
Lunch Talk: Improving imaging wait times at the Emergency Department: a discrete event simulation based approach

The University of Toronto Operations Research Group (UTORG) is hosting a lunch talk by Deyvison Baia Medeiros. The talk is entitled “Improving imaging wait times at the Emergency Department: a discrete event simulation based approach”. Lunch and coffee will be provided. Hope to see you there

Who: Deyvison Baia Medeiros, MASc. candidate, University of Toronto


When: Thursday, November 22nd @ 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Where: BA8256


Bio-sketch:  Deyvison Baia Medeiros is a MASc. candidate in Industrial Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Michael Carter at the University of Toronto. His research interests focus on the application of Operations Research methods to the healthcare industry. His current work at Sunnybrook hospital involves creating a discrete event simulation model to investigate potential ways of reducing wait times for emergency imaging procedures. Prior to his current work, he was engaged in research at the University Health Network (UHN) where he developed a discrete event simulation to assist with capacity planning decisions for mental health services in the emergency department. Part of his work at UHN has recently been published at the Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Abstract:  Diagnostic imaging has become increasingly important for treating emergent patients and preventing crowding in the emergency department (ED). To improve timely access to radiology services at Sunnybrook hospital’s ED, a discrete event computer simulation was used to evaluate scenarios which may lead to shorter wait times. Demand fluctuations, staff scheduling and process simplifications which can be obtained by implementing standard computed tomography protocols are among the scenarios tested with the model. Practical recommendations, supported by simulation findings, are given on how to implement changes to attain better wait times.


Lunch Talk: A Regime-Switching Framework for Portfolio Optimization

The University of Toronto Operations Research Group (UTORG) is hosting a lunch talk by Giorgio Costa. The talk is entitled “A Regime-Switching Framework for Portfolio Optimization”.  Lunch and coffee will be provided.  Hope to see you there!

Who: Giorgio Costa, Ph.D. candidate, University of Toronto


When: Thursday, November 08th @ 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Where: BA8256


Bio-sketch:  Giorgio Costa is a Ph.D. candidate in Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Professor Roy H. Kwon. His research interests are financial optimization and risk management, specifically the field of portfolio optimization under uncertainty. As part of his research, Giorgio also works at the Toronto-Dominion Bank as a Senior Risk Analyst performing quantitative research and financial modelling.  Before starting his degree at the University of Toronto, Giorgio worked as an engineering consultant for the mining industry at Amec Foster Wheeler for three years. He holds a B.Eng. (Hon.) in Mechanical Engineering from McGill University.

Abstract:  Formulating a novel Markov regime-switching factor model to describe the cyclical nature of asset returns in modern financial markets. Maintaining a factor model structure allows us to easily derive the asset expected returns and their corresponding covariance matrix. By design, these two parameters are calibrated to describe the properties of the different market regimes. In turn, these regime-dependent parameters serve as the inputs during portfolio optimization, thereby constructing portfolios adapted to the current market environment. This model can be improved by periodically rebalancing the portfolios, ensuring proper alignment between the estimated parameters and the transient market regimes. An out-of-sample computational experiment over a long investment horizon shows that the proposed regime-dependent portfolios are better aligned with the market environment, and can consistently outperform competing portfolios.

Lunch Talk: Compiling Quantum Circuits with Constraint Programming

The University of Toronto Operations Research Group (UTORG) is hosting a lunch talk by Kyle E. C. Booth. The talk is entitled “Compiling Quantum Circuits with Constraint Programming”.  Lunch and coffee will be provided.  Hope to see you there!

Who: Kyle E. C. Booth, Ph.D. candidate, University of Toronto


When: Thursday, October 25th @ 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Where: BA8256


Bio-sketch:  Kyle E. C. Booth is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto conducting research on constraint programming, focusing on its use in decomposition techniques and its application to various optimization problems, including multi-robot coordination and quantum computing. Kyle became interested in quantum computing during a research placement with the NASA Ames Research Center, and his work on constraint programming for quantum compilation was published at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS).

Abstract:  Recently, the makespan-minimization problem of compiling a general class of quantum algorithms into near-term quantum processors has been introduced to the AI community. The research demonstrated that temporal planning is a strong approach for a class of quantum circuit compilation (QCC) problems. In this paper, we explore the use of constraint programming (CP) as an alternative and complementary approach to temporal planning. We extend previous work by introducing two new problem variations that incorporate important characteristics identified by the quantum computing community. We apply temporal planning and CP to the baseline and extended QCC problems as both stand-alone and hybrid approaches. Our hybrid methods use solutions found by temporal planning to warm start CP, leveraging the ability of the former to find satisfying solutions to problems with a high degree of task optionality, an area that CP typically struggles with. The CP model, benefiting from inferred bounds on planning horizon length and task counts provided by the warm start, is then used to find higher quality solutions. Our empirical evaluation indicates that while stand-alone CP is only competitive for the smallest problems, CP in our hybridization with temporal planning out-performs stand-alone temporal planning in the majority of problem classes.


Meet and Eat with Professor Andre Cire, University of Toronto

The University of Toronto Operations Research Group (UTORG) is hosting a Meet & Eat with Professor Andre Cire, of the University of Toronto, Scarborough, following his talk titled “Network-based Approximate Linear Programming”. Lunch and coffee will be served. We hope to see you there!



When: Thursday Oct 18 @ 1:00pm – 2:00 pm

Where: BA 5281

Bio-sketch: Andre Cire is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management at the University of Toronto Scarborough, cross-appointed with the Operations Management area at Rotman School of Management. His main research interests include discrete optimization, mathematical programming, constraint programming, and practical applications of scheduling and routing. Andre’s recent work focuses on hybrid methods that exploit the interface between operations management and computer science for the purpose of developing computationally efficient methods for hard and large-scale optimization problems.

Meet & Eat with Professor James Luedtke, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The University of Toronto Operations Research Group (UTORG) is hosting a Meet & Eat with Professor James Luedtke, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, following his talk titled “Optimizing Truck Dispatching Decisions in Open-pit Mining using Integer Programming”. Lunch and coffee will be served. We hope to see you there!


When: Tuesday Sept 25 @ 1:15pm – 2:15 pm

Where: GB 167

Please note that the Meet & Eat will follow immediately after the talk which will be held on Sep 25th, at 12pm-1pm in GB202. For more information regarding the talk, please visit

Bio-sketch: James Luedtke is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Luedtke earned his Ph.D. at Georgia Tech and did postdoctoral work at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Luedtke’s research is focused on methods for solving stochastic and mixed-integer optimization problems, as well as applications of such models. Luedtke is a recipient of an NSF CAREER award, was a finalist in the INFORMS JFIG Best Paper competition, and was awarded the INFORMS Optimization Society Prize for Young Researchers. Luedtke serves on the editorial boards of the journals SIAM Journal on Optimization, INFORMS Journal on Computing, and Mathematical Programming Computation. Luedtke is the current secretary of the SIAM Activity Group in Optimization, serves on the Committee on Stochastic Programming, and is a former secretary/treasurer of the INFORMS Optimization Society.