The University of Toronto Student Chapter
of the
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences/
Canadian Operational Research Society
- Encourage interest in the field of operations research (OR) and the management sciences (MS).
- Provide a means of communication among people having interest in OR/MS.
- Provide an informal means of exchange about OR/MS educational programs and opportunities.
- Provide an informal means of sharing information about the methods and techniques of OR/MS.
Present a forum of speakers who address OR/MS topics
- Any person interested in operations research and the management sciences may become a chapter member by completing a membership application and submitting it with the proper chapter dues.
Membership in the national INFORMS organization / CORS (the Institute) is not required. - The regular membership shall be open to undergraduate and graduate students at University of Toronto.
- Honorary memberships shall be decided by a two-thirds approval vote of the regular members in attendance at any meeting.
- With the exception that elected officers must be members of INFORMS / CORS, all members have equal rights, duties and privileges. Annual chapter dues are normally payable at the beginning of the calendar year.
- Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination on any basis.
- At all times, the membership of the Chapter must include at least ten members.
- Any person interested in operations research and the management sciences may become a chapter member by completing a membership application and submitting it with the proper chapter dues.
2. Terms of Office. Officers serve annual terms.
3. Nominations and Elections. Nominations and elections occur during the April general meeting. Nominations will be made from the floor, and only members of the Institute in “good standing” can nominate or be nominated. Only chapter members in good standing may vote in officer elections. A special election will be held whenever an elected position becomes vacant prematurely. Such elections will be conducted as normal.
4. Voting. Elections shall be held by secret ballot and are determined by majority vote. Ties shall be resolved by means of a fair random process.
5. Removal from Office. An officer may be removed when it is in the Chapter’s “best interest” – a necessarily subjective condition that must first be unanimously recognized by all other elected officers. The affected officer will be allowed a defense free from interference. The other officers will weigh the merits of the case in a way that they find suitable and will render a majority decision.
1. General meetings are meetings where all Chapter members are invited. General meetings shall be held as planned by the Program Committee. Meeting time, place and agenda shall be set by the officers and are announced at least one week in advance.
2. The election meeting shall be a general meeting held in April of every year.
3. Executive Board meetings are meetings where only the Executive Board members are invited. Executive Board meetings shall be held as planned by the President, but only upon notice to all members of the Executive Board.
4. A minimum of two (2) meetings of the Chapter shall be held in each calendar year, including a general meeting.
5. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings, in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws.
1. The Chapter and its officers, under charter from INFORMS, are accountable to the Institute for all operations and procedures. The INFORMS Board may suspend or revoke the Chapter’s charter for inappropriate operations or procedures. In the event of dissolution, the Institute shall decide how to dispose of the Chapter’s assets.
2. The Chapter shall file an activity report annually with the INFORMS Business Office describing Chapter activities during the past January 1 through December 31. This report is necessary for recertification of the Chapter. It shall be filed no later than January 31.
Chapter dues will be assessed on all members at the time they join or renew. The Chapter officers collectively set the dues schedule.
1. The Secretary in an official Chapter meeting will present amendments to these bylaws. The Secretary, no later than seven calendar days before the next meeting, shall submit in writing the proposed amendment to all Chapter members. The vote will occur at the next general meeting, and the amendment must be approved by two-thirds of the members present provided that number constitutes a quorum as defined below. The amendment will then be sent to the INFORMS liaison who will present it to the INFORMS Subdivisions Council. The amendment becomes effective when approved by this Council.
2. A quorum necessary for conducting Chapter business at a general meeting is defined as 5 members or 5% of the Chapter membership, whichever is larger.
3. The President shall make rulings on any point of procedure not included in these bylaws.