The Organization
The University of Toronto Operations Research Group (UTORG) is a graduate student-run organization located at the University of Toronto. UTORG represents the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) as the Toronto student chapter. You can access our Bylaws here.
UTORG serves the interests of the operations research community at the University of Toronto by hosting social and academic events including lunch talks, workshops, distinguished speakers, coffee breaks, and socials. People who participate in UTORG events often find that it is a great way to build a network with students, professors, and industry guests. It is also a low-pressure environment under which to learn how to give academic presentations, or even just to get feedback about interesting research directions.
UTORG welcomes new members and ideas about new events. Please Contact us to become a member, give a talk, hold a workshop, or even if you have some ideas on how we could improve!
What is OR?
Operations Research (OR) is a branch of applied mathematics that uses mathematical modelling and optimization techniques to solve real-world decision-making problems. It provides a quantitative approach to optimize industry-driven objectives that are desirable to specific fields of applications. Major methodologies used in OR include simulation, mathematical programming, probability, and statistics. Application areas of OR include financial engineering, health care, manufacturing, service sciences, supply chain management, policy modeling and public sector work, revenue management, and transportation, among others.
Contact Us
Mailing address:
University of Toronto Operations Research Group
164 College St.
Toronto, On M5S 3E2